2021 Virtual Winter Meeting Slides, Recordings and Resources

Introduction Slides- Kristi Wees
Breakout Session 1
Evaluation Overview– Liza Creel
2020-2024 Program Objectives & Performance Measures
NCC Resource Repository– Megan Lyon
Access ReRe (Resource Repository) here
Breakout Session 2
Room 2: New Mexico & Montana
Takeaways & Next Steps: Genetic GASP
Genetics Navigator Application
Survey Links:
Red Flags 4 Genetics Survey (for Families) in English and Spanish
Genetics Explainer Video (for Providers)
State Teams Breakout Session 1 /Room 1 (CO & AZ) and Breakout Session 2/ Room 1 (TX & UT)
State Teams Breakout Session 1 /Room 2 (WY & NV) and Breakout Session 2/ Room 2 (NM & MT)