2022 Genetics Pop-Ups Registration Page
This year MSRGN will be hosting 3 VIRTUAL Genetics Pop-Ups featuring our Genetic Navigators!
Join us to hear a family’s story of navigating the genetics services system.
During the event you will have an opportunity to ask a genetic navigator or
MSRGN staff member any questions you may have about genetics!
You can even ask them ahead of time when you register!
This event is meant to be a safe space for individuals and families to listen,
explore and ask questions about genetics and children’s health.
We will be having 3 genetics pop-ups that will be open to any and all from our
Mountain States Region (and beyond!).
Pick the Genetics Pop-Up that works best for your schedule: morning, evening or weekend.
In order to receive the zoom log-in information to attend you must register below for the time or times that works best for you:
Evening: Thursday, March 3, 2022
(6:30pm PT, 7:30pm MT, 8:30pm CT, 9:30pm ET)
Register Here
Morning: Friday, March 4, 2022
(9:30am PT, 10:30am MT, 11:30am CT, 12:30pm ET)
Interpretación en español disponible
Register Here
Weekend: Saturday, March 5, 2022
(9:30am PT, 10:30am MT, 11:30am CT, 12:30pm ET)
ASL Interpreting and Live Transcript provided (with AZ Hands & Voices)
Register Here
To Download a Genetics Pop-Up Flyer to share click here.
If you have more questions about the genetics pop-ups please email Kristi here.