Colorado (OLD)

COVID-19 Resources for Families with Genetic Conditions in COLORADO


Find a Genetics Clinic in Colorado

If you live in Colorado or are moving to Colorado and need access to genetics services, Start here:

Children’s Hospital Colorado

Anschutz Medical Campus

13123 East 16thAve.

Aurora, CO 80045

  • Main number 800-624-6553
  • Genetics and Inherited Metabolic Diseases 303-724-2370
  • Special Care Clinic 720-777-6739
  • Developmental Pediatrics 720-777-6630

and connect with:

HCP (formerly called Health Care Program for Children With Special Needs)


Colorado Newborn Screening Program

CDPHE NBS Laboratory (general questions or to obtain copy of NBS results)

Phone number: 303-692-3670

Contact Information for Specialists following an abnormal newborn screening

Contact this group if/when: you need NBS results, your doctor has told you your child has a positive newborn screen and you are having trouble seeing a specialist/follow-up, to get lab records for proof of condition when applying for SSI and Medicaid, for family to have all medical records for continuity of continued medical care as doctors and clinics often want labs and medical records before seeing a child especially if the family moves to another state and has to reestablish care.


Family to Family Health Information Center –Colorado Family Voices

Contact this group if/when:you need family support, you are having difficulty navigating the system, you just moved to the state with you child with special needs

Other Family Organizations in Colorado:

Miracles for Mito: Mitochondrial Disease Support

El Grupo VIDA (Espanol)

Colorado Resource Directory

Colorado Family Voices Resources

National Family Voices Resources

Peak Parent Center

Parent to Parent of Colorado

The Arc

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition

Case management agencies


A program for children with special healthcare needs at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


Contact this group if/when: you need help accessing programs for special needs children in Colorado


Colorado Medicaid 

County Health and Human Services links

Medicaid Applications

Community Centered Boards (agencies you apply for waivers, grants and Medicaid through)

Case management agencies

Contact this group if/when: you need help finding out if you qualify for a waiver, need medical insurance coverage for your child with special health care needs.


Colorado Medicaid Waivers 

Contact this group if/when:  you need help finding out if you qualify for a waiver, or to apply for a waiver for a loved one

Choosing an HCBS Waiver for Children

Choosing an HCBS Waiver for Adults

Colorado Programs for Children


Waiver chart (June 2018)

The waiver chart listed above from the Colorado Department of Public health website is not all inclusive as it only includes waivers for children up to 18 years old and does not include grants for children or waivers for 18+.

Below is a link that contains grants but it is from one particular community centered board so it also contains waivers that are specific to the local area it serves and not provided by the whole state.   Grants are for the children with special health care needs that don’t qualify for waivers because they are not medically fragile enough.  They are also given to the medically fragile entering into the system before they have gone through the whole process of qualifying for a waiver.-


Regional Accountable Entity (RAE)

Click the (+) above the map to expand the link to contact information for the REA’s

Formerly called:

RCCO, Regional Care Collaborative Organization

RCCO Regions, Counties Served, and Contact info

RCCO Contacts for Providers and Stakeholders

Contact this group if/when: you are in need of a public health nurses in each Colorado County.  This is the way for both families, but also professionals to refer to public health and get access to services. Providers can contact the nurses and place a referral, but families can also do a direct contact.  The nurse will then do an intake.


Mile High United Way 211

Contact this group if/when: Colorado 2-1-1 is a simple and easy-to-remember number and web site that people can access when they need help or want to give help. Often times, people don’t know where to go for help… or that help is available. 211 can help.


Colorado EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment) Village Map

(for a visual representation of services in Colorado)