The following resources will be useful when transitioning your child into preschool. Additionally, there are other links to helpful sites regarding family planning and your child’s development. For specific questions that are not directly answered or solved by these resources, consider asking your Colorado genetic navigator at
Preschool/Child FindAt this stage, you will transition from an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) if your child had early intervention services
Contact this group if/when:
- You have developmental concerns for your child, and they are between the ages of 3 and 5 years old
- You need help understanding the Colorado preschool programsÂ
- You need assistance navigating Special Education in Colorado
- Locating the nearest Special Education Administrative UnitÂ
Find your local Child Find/Special Education Preschool contact
Print the Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) Handbook
Colorado Preschool Special Education Services
If you have not done so already, please consider exploring and completing the following items:
Social Security Administration (SSA/SSDI)Contact if/when:Â
- You need to apply for disability benefitsÂ
- You need to manage your social security benefitsÂ
- For information regarding general SSI benefits and regulationsÂ
The SSI/SSDI program pays benefits to adults and children who meet requirements for a qualifying disability and have limited income resources.
How to tell if your child is eligible for disability benefits
US Social Security Administration Website
English list of benefits for children with disabilities
For financial needs, buy in, special needs, and disabilities
Contact if/when:Â
- You need to apply for Colorado Medicaid programsÂ
- You need to contact your county Department of Human Services to request support
- You have questions about what services are available for your child
Entitlement programs are government programs that guarantee certain benefits to a particular group.
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Application for Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus
Colorado Department of Human Services
Contact your county human services department
Entitlement programs
Colorado PEAK Benefit Information
Colorado PEAK Log-In or Apply for Benefits
Overview of Premium Assistance/Reimbursement Programs
State Health Access Data Assistance Center
Adult Financial Programs | Colorado Department of Human Services
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Colorado Department of Human Services
Non-entitlement Services (residential or community living supports, employment supports, day or vocational supports, habilitation, transportation services, family support, assistive technology (AT), peer support, and mentors)
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) | Department of Local AffairsÂ
Find Your Parent Center | Center for Parent Information and ResourcesÂ
Contact if/when:Â
- You need to find your Community Center Board for support
- You need to contact Single Entry Point Agency to apply for benefits and access to resourcesÂ
- You need to apply for a Medicaid waiver based on your childâs physical or developmental disability
Medicaid Waivers provide access to federal and state programs and health benefits for individuals who meet eligibility requirements but waive some requirements required by traditional Medicaid.
Find your local Community Center Board (waivers, FSBT, Mill Levy) or Single Entry Point (waivers) to apply for waivers, grants (FSBT), and other funding (Mill Levy)
Community Centered Boards | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Single Entry Point Agencies | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Waivers for Children
Programs for individuals with physical or developmental disabilities
Colorado Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers
Colorado – Children’s Medicaid Waiver Program
Choosing an HCBS Waiver for Children
Children’s Habilitation and Residential Program (CHRP)-Deskguide-May 2020Â
Contact if:Â
- You are in need of assistance to find a genetic clinic near youÂ
Find a Clinic – Mountain States Genetics
Childrenâs Hospital Colorado – Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045
Main Hospital: 720-777-1234
Genetics and Inherited Metabolic Diseases: 303-724-2370
Special Care Clinic: 720-777-6739
Developmental Pediatrics: 720-777-6630
Explore these resources if:Â
- You need information regarding end-of-life planning to ensure your child is protected and cared for in your absence
- You are looking for programs/assistance in setting up trust funds for your child (Important if your child has access to government programs which may have income requirements. For example: In the event of both parents passing, your life insurance payment to your child may disqualify them from programs unless it is placed in a protected trust).
Advanced Care Planning and Living WillÂ
PLAN, Inc : Planned Lifetime Assistance Network
Sibling Leadership Network (SLN)
Academy of Special Needs Planners
The Arc- The Arc | For People With Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Neurology Transition of Medical Care Toolkit
Neurology Transition of Medical Care Toolkit Spanish
Explore these resources if:Â
- You need support to set up a special needs trust or ABLE account
- You are looking for a qualified financial planner or attorney
Special Needs Trust information
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.
The Academy of Special Needs Planners (for an attorney or financial planner)
The Special Needs Alliance (for an attorney)
The Financial Planning Association (for a financial planner)
Learn What to Expect from a Financial Professional
Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities
Research tools to check broker Background and Experience
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
Investment Advisor Public Disclosure
ColoradoABLE Financial Saving Assistance
TheArc Center for Future Planning
Resources for Financial Planning
Explore these resources if:Â
- You need information regarding types of insurance and its benefits
- You need to contact the Commissioner of Coloradoâs Division of Insurance
- You need to file a complaint with the Commissioner regarding an insurance company or agent
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
Below you will find a number of different links to resources that may help in navigating the 3 year to 5 year old time period:
Colorado Genetics Navigator email –
Colorado Genetic Connections Facebook Group
Mountain States Regional Genetics Network (MSRGN) Home
MSRGN Colorado State Team Page
Red Flags 4 Genetics Handout (English)
Red Flags 4 Genetics Handout (Spanish)
[expandsub1 title=”Early Childhood Milestones”]
Contact if:Â
- You have concerns regarding your childâs development (speech, physical, fine motor, etc)
- You need to know if your childâs development is where is should be for their age
- You need suggestions on how to help work on your childâs development at home
CDC Learn the Signs, Act Early
ColoradoABCD – Assuring Better Child Health
ECPC Home | The Early Childhood Personnel Center
[expandsub1 title=”Legal”]
Contact if:Â
- You need to understand the different options for legal support to care for an adult child with a disability
- You need to begin the process for legal support to care for an adult child with a disability
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)
Disability Law Colorado – English
Disability Law Colorado – Spanish
National Disability Rights Network – P&A – CAP | NDRN
Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates – COPAA
[expandsub1 title=”Assistive Technology”]
Contact if:Â
- You need support finding or acquiring assistive technology for your child with a disability
- You need access to assistive technology to help your child with a disability lead a more independent life
Assistive Technology is an item, piece of equipment, software program, or product that is used to increase, maintain or improve the daily living circumstances with a person with a disability.
Assistive Technology Center AT3 – AT3 Center
Assistive Technology Program of Colorado
State Wide Assistive Technology Augmentative & Alternative
[expandsub1 title=”Equipment”]
Explore these resources if:Â
- Your child needs a wheelchair or other support equipment to aid in daily living
- You need help finding fun, safe toys for your childÂ
- You are in need of special equipment that will adapt to your child’s needs Â
Santa’s Little Hackers – Toy drive and augmentations
[expandsub1 title=”Recreation & Leisure”]
Explore these resources if:Â
- You want your child to participate in fun, safe activities regardless of their disability
- You need programs/sports aimed at supporting individuals with disabilitiesÂ
Disabled Sports USA – Move United
Miracle League Metro Denver | Colorado | Sports Made Possible
TOP Soccer Program Overview â CSA
iCan Bike Hosts – iCan Shine, Inc.
National Sports Center for the Disabled
[expandsub1 title=”Behavioral and Mental Health”]
Explore these resources if:Â
- You or your child need mental health supportÂ
- You are worried about your childâs behavior and are looking for supportÂ
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Empower/Recovery Centers for Mental Health Self-advocacy â National Empowerment Center
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Directors
Colorado Office of Behavioral Health
Mental Health Partners Colorado
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
National Institute of Mental Health
Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health – Mental Health Services | Lakewood, CO
[expandsub1 title=”Colorado ID & Disability Placard”]
Contact if:Â
- You need to know what supporting documents are needed to obtain a Colorado state ID
- You need to make an appointment at your local DMV
- You would like to know the different options of identification available in Colorado
- You would like to obtain a disability placard
I’m a Driver/Passenger with Disabilities | Department of Revenue
[expandsub1 title=”Childcare/Respite/Personal Assistance Services”]
Contact if:Â
- You are interested in how you can get paid to be your adult childâs caregiver
- You need a trusted respite provider to care for your childÂ
- You need to find childcare or day programs for your adult child with a disability
How to Get paid to be Your Adult Childâs Caregiver
Parents as their childâs Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) | Department of Public Health & Environment
In-Home Support Services (IHSS) | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Pediatric Personal Care Services | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
Community Residential Homes/IDD Group Homes | Department of Public Health & Environment
KidStreet, Aurora | Childrenâs Hospital Colorado
Meganâs Place â Wheat Ridge Colorado Respite for Kids with Developmental Disabilities, Ages 3-18
Child Care Assistance | Colorado Department of Human Services
[expandsub1 title=”Transportation”]
Contact if:Â
- You need to find daily transportation for your child to pursue everyday functionsÂ
- You need transportation for an emergency medical need or tripÂ
American Public Transportation Association-Colorado Transit Links
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
National Center for Mobility Management
Request an Air Ambulance Medical Flight | Angel MedFlight
Access-a-Ride | RTD â Denver
Veyo | Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Miracle Flights â A Cure For Distance
[expandsub1 title=”Education”]
Explore these resources if:Â
- You need to understand your rights in regard to obtaining services through your local school district
- You need support/resources on how to set up a health plan, 504 or IEP for your child
- You need an agency or attorney to assist in resolving an issue with your childâs education
Colorado Department of Educations- Parents and Families of a child with a Disability
The ARC Colorado â Family Resources
US Department of Education â IDEA site
School Nursing and Health â Health Conditions & Care Plans | CDE
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Parent, School & Community Liaison- David Ramer, Program Assistant
Phone: (303) 866-6943
Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) | CDE
Find Your Special Education Director in Colorado | CDE
Office of Special Education | CDE
Developing Your Childâs IEPÂ
10 Steps in the Special Education Process
Disability Law Colorado â English
Disability Law Colorado â Spanish
Colorado Dept. of Education â Home School Resources
Resource Packet for Families New to Education Services (Boulder Valley School District)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented (CAGT)
Find Your Parent Center | Center for Parent Information and Resources
Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education
Colorado Department of Education Parent and Family resources
Genetic Education Materials for School Success
Resources â Individualized Education Program (IEP) | CDE
Understood â Mission for Learning Differences and Disabilities
[expandsub1 title=”Emergency Preparedness”]
Contact if:Â
- You need to make preparations for your child in case of an emergency
- You want more information about how your child can be supported in case of emergencyÂ
Emergency: 911
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
Colorado Poison Control Center
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Emergency Preparedness
Food and Drug Administration: Colorado Departments: Health
Emergency Readiness: Build a Disaster Supply Kit
FEMA Office of Disability Integration and Coordination
HHS Emergency Preparedness Resources
Colorado Emergency Preparedness and Response