Genetics Summit 2018 Presentations

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Changes and Opportunities: The Role of Medical Genetics in the Era of Genomic Testing        (Austin Larson, MD, Assistant Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Section of Clinical Genetics and Metabolism)

Rapid Genome Wide Sequencing in the NICU Uncovers a High Burden of Genetic Disease (David Dimmock, MD, Medical Director, Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine)

Do You Want Fries With That?”- The Pros and Cons of Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing (Matthew Taylor MD, PhD, Director, Adult Clinical Genetics, Dept of Medicine, University of Colorado)

‘Our’ Biobank, ‘Your’ Results: The Why, What, When and How of Returning Results to Biobank Participants (Matthew Taylor MD, PhD, Director, Adult Clinical Genetics, Dept of Medicine, University of Colorado)

From Bedside to Representative’s Office, How Patient Stories and Parental Experiences can Inform Health Policy (Kay Kelly, Newborn Screening Advocate)

The UPP Project (Janet Thomas, MD, Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Section of Clinical Genetics and Metabolism)

Cultural Competency and Access to Genetic Services for Special Populations (Mary Ann Coffman, Anita Lena)

Accessing Genetic Services: Policy and Financial Considerations (Susanna Ginsburg)


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Newborn Screening (Melissa Gibbons, MS,CGC; Erica Wright, MS, CGC, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Section of Clinical Genetics and Metabolism)

Update on Hereditary Cancer Syndromes and Red Flags for Referrals (Michelle Springer, MS, CGC, Instructor, Certified Genetic Counselor, University of Colorado Cancer Center)

Genetic Evaluation of Developmental Delay, Autism, and other Common Pediatric Complaints (Scott McLean, MD, Clinical Genetics, The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio)

Genetic Disorders in Native American/Alaska Native Children (Diana Hu, MD, Maternal Child Health Consultant, Navajo Area Indian Health Service)

Telegenetics Training Session: How to put the “Tele” in Telegenetics (Janet Major, BS; Sylvia Mann)

4 presentations: Telegenetics Overview; Telehealth Policy;  Telepresenting; ATA Exhibit Hall

Serving On Groups Consumer Advocacy Training: Intro, Session 1 & 2 (Kristi Wees, MsChem)