
Genetics Navigator Application Launched

During our Virtual Winter Meeting, MSRGN announced the launch of its newest initiative: Genetic Navigator Program and subsequently the launch of the application for this program.

The MSRGN Genetic Navigator Program is an initiative to help families navigate the genetic services system in their state of residence.

In March of 2021, 8 genetic navigators will be selected, 1 per each of the 8 states in the MSRGN region, and complete 8 training modules on various aspects of genetic navigation. Upon completion of this training, these 8 genetic navigators will be available by email to connect with families and assist them on their genetics journey. The genetics navigator role is a stipend funded opportunity for individuals or their family members impacted by genetic conditions who have navigated the genetic services system in their home state. Currently, this program is only open to individuals in the Mountain States Region States of Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

Application is NOW OPEN!

Click here to Apply

Application due date: March 1, 2021

Categories: For Families