Cooks Telegenetics Case Study
Project Summary
The purpose of this case study of the telegenetics service at Cook Ft. Worth Children’s Hospital (Cook) is to demonstrate the evolution and elements of a successful telegenetics service, to promote the use of telegenetics by genetics clinicians. The study was initiated in April 2016. Elements of the case study were as follows: description of Cook; description of genetics service; evolution of telemedicine at Cook; evolution of telegenetics at Cook; description of patient and clinician experience; description of technology and physical plant; description of staff requirements; case numbers over time; geographic origin of cases; diagnoses; patient satisfaction; financials. Data for the case study were collected through interviews with Dr. Mary Kukolich, Director of Clinical Genetics at Cook, and Kim Epperson, Director of Telehealth and Virtual Medicine.
The Cook’s Telegenetics Case Study was accepted as a platform oral presentation (below) at the 2017 ACMG Annual Meeting.