MSRGN Summer Meeting 2022

The MSRGN Summer Meeting 2022 was held virtually on June 14-15, 2022

The theme of the meeting was:

Moving Mountains: One Boulder at a Time



Day 1: Looking Back on the last 2 years

Recording Day 1 (June 14)

Slide Deck Day 1

Liza Creel Slide Deck Day 1: State Team Case Study

State Team Highlights

State Team Awards


Day 2: Looking Forward to the next 2 years

Recording Day 2 (June 15)

Slide Deck Day 2

Liza Creel Slide Deck Day 2: Telegenetics Needs Assessment 


Breakout Rooms- Rock Report Recordings

Room #1: Nevada/Wyoming

NV/WY Mentimeter Results PDF


Room #2: Montana/New Mexico

MT/NM Mentimeter Results PDF


Room #3: Colorado/Texas

CO/TX Mentimeter Results PDF


Room #4: Arizona/Utah

AZ/UT Mentimeter Results PDF


Evaluation Link