Genetic Navigator Program

The MSRGN Genetic Navigator program is an initiative to help families navigate the genetic services system in their state of residence.

In March 2021, 8 Genetic Navigators were selected, 1 per each of the 8 states in the MSRGN region, and completed 8 training modules on various aspects of genetic navigation. Upon completion of this training, these 8 Genetic Navigators are now available by email or zoom to connect with families and assist them on their genetics journey.  When a family is exploring and accessing genetic services, they may have many questions along the way. View the video above to hear some of the questions our MSRGN Genetic Navigators experienced on their own journeys as well as some of the questions they can help families navigate.

If you or a loved one needs help Navigating Genetics in the Mountain State Region, please contact our genetic navigators by clicking on their email address below:

Arizona~ Noan: 

Meet Noan here


Meet Jamie here (Jamie is with Colorado Family Voices)

Montana~ Jennifer:

Meet Jennifer here

Nevada~ Mariah:

Meet Mariah here

New Mexico~

Meet Desirée here

Texas~ Lourdes:

Meet Lourdes here

Utah~ Tiffany:

Meet Tiffany here


Meet Kala here


Genetic Navigator Outreach Presentation