Top 10 Genetic Resources for Families

1.  Developmental Delay Algorithm and Genetics Resources:

2. CDC Learn the Signs, Act Early Milestone App  (English and Spanish) also materials available to order or print,  click here

3. Ken Burns Documentary: The Gene: An Intimate History: website / watch documentary

4. Genetic Alliance Resources Booklets:

5. NIH Curriculum:

6. DNA Kits: Instructions here, and to Purchase here  and Gene/DNA Plush Figurine (link to purchase)

7. Introduction to Healthcare Through Telemedicine parts 1-3, Also includes a Family Video about their Telegenetics experience 

8. National Geographic Special Edition: Your Genes: 100 Things You Never Knew

9. Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center (GARD) Hotline Number and Flyer

10. Tele-What? Infographic and Webinar