Genetic Navigator Training 2.0

In 2021, MSRGN implemented a Genetic Navigator (1.0) outreach initiative in all 8 of our states.
Over the last 3 years this program has facilitate over 250 family connections in our region.
We have now developed a new Genetic Navigator training specifically for inside the genetics clinic or an
“in-reach” (vs. outreach) program and we are calling this Genetic Navigators 2.0.
This new training consists of 6 modules and the training will be offered one time before MSRGN sunsets on 5/31/24.
The training is offered at no charge to the individual, however funding is NOT available at this time to offer stipends for training or ongoing navigation activities.
MSRGN invites any individuals or families** who have experience navigating genetics for their own loved ones
and who are now interested in helping other families, potentially inside a genetics clinic in their area, to register to join us for:
Genetic Navigator Training 2.0 Training
Supporting Families Inside the Genetics Clinic
An “In-reach” Genetic Navigator Model & 6 Module Training Course
Dates and Times Training:
April 22: noon-1:30 ET
April 23: 1pm-2:30 ET
April 29: 1pm-2:30 ET
April 30: 1pm-2:30 ET
Registration: here
**If you are not a family member or individual who has navigated genetics for yourself or a loved one, but would like to attend the training,
please email Kristi Wees for consideration as priority registration is reserved for those with lived genetic navigation experience.
PDF Flyer: here