Genetic Pop-Ups 2021 Honor Rare Disease Day
In honor of Rare Disease Day, MSRGN and their Genetic Ambassadors are hosting 8 Genetic Pop-Ups across the 8 state region.
There will be 3 pop-ups that are open for public registration hosted by Jamie, Emma and Hannah. Please pick the best time and date to fit your schedule, register, and join us!
Five other Genetic Pop-Ups will be held for support groups and in partnership with other community organizations and meetings:
Maria and Jesus 2/17/21
in partnership with ElGrupoVida
Lourdes and Gabriel 2/19/21
in partnership with Yellow Brick Road Project and Children’s Disabilities Information Coalition
Jennifer 2/23/21
in partnership with Montana Family to Family Health Information Center and The Child Development Center
Rebecca 3/2/21
in partnership with Nogales High School
Heidi 3/10/21
in partnership with Arizona Hands and Voices